JQuery: Selecting dynamically created elements and pushing to Firebase

Your .on() didn't work, because you are adding the button dynamically. You can't find the dynamically added elements directly using that elements id selector like $('#approve'). So you should bind .on() with $(document) selector. This will always contain your dynamically added elements.

$(document).on( eventName, selector, function(){} );

//your code here

You have to bind .on() on a container of your dynamically added element that is already on the page when you load it, and have it like this:

$('#yourContainer').on('click', '#approve', function(){
    //your code here..

Another alternative, simpler to understand, less powerful, also perfectly valid, is to simply bind the event while you create the element:

approveRef.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
 var posts = snapshot.val();
 var $button = $('<button style ="button" id="approve">Approve</button>');
 $button.on("click", function(){
    var text = $('#post').val();

 $('<div id="post">').text(posts.text).append($button).appendTo($('#feed'));

Another problem you are going to run into, assuming there will be more than one of these on a page, is that you are using IDs in the records. They're going to clash if they aren't unique.

A great alternative is to refer to these items with data-* tags or other identifying characteristics, such as css tags. But in your case, you don't need them at all!

approveRef.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
 var posts = snapshot.val();
 var id = snapshot.name();

 var $button = $('<button style="button">Approve</button>');
 $button.on("click", function(){
    // use parent.closest(...) in place of an ID here!
    var text = $(this).parent().closest('textarea').val();

 /* just an example of how to use a data-* tag; I could now refer to this element using:
    $('#feed').find('[data-record="'+id+'"]') if I needed to find it */
 $('<div data-record="'+id+'">').text(posts.text).append($button).appendTo($('#feed'));

I find a quick dip into the DOM, and then running back into jQuery very handy for this problem:

// Construct some new DOM element.
$(whatever).html('... id="mynewthing"...');

// This won't work...

// But this will...

This works by turning the DOM object directly into a selector. I like it because the approach is transparent in operation/intent.