Jquery opposite of .hasClass()?

Why not simply:

if (!el.hasClass('foo')) {
  // code

You can use


if you need check more than one class or


if you need check only one class.

if (!element.hasClass('classname')) {

More generally in javascript, to check the opposite of a boolean result, use the logical NOT operator !:

var isValid = false;
if (!isValid) {
    // execute if isValid = false;

For your question, .hasClass() returns a boolean if the element has the specified class, so if you have the expression:

<div class="someClass"></div>

if ($('div').hasClass('someClass')) {
    // will execute

to check if it does not have that class:

if (!$('div').hasClass('someClass')) {
    // will not get here because our element has the class "someClass"

When selecting elements, if you want to avoid those who have a certain class, you can use the :not() pseudo-selector:


About the :not() selector


