jQuery off() is not unbinding events when using bind

The problem is that this._click.bind() creates a new function every time it's called. In order to detach a specific event handler, you need to pass in the original function that was used to create the event handler and that's not happening here, so the handler is not removed.

If there are only going to be a few bubbles in your app, you could and simply not use this. That will remove a lot of the confusion about what this is referring to and ensure that each bubble retains a reference to its own click function that can be used to remove the event as needed:

function bubble(content, triggerElm) {
    var element = $('<div class="bubble" />').html(content);
    element.css(.....); // here is positioned based on triggerElm

    function click(event) {
        console.log('click', element);
        if (element.is(event.target) || 
            element.has(event.target).length > 0) {
            return true;

    function show() {
        $(document).on('click', click);

    function hide() {
        $(document).off('click', click);

    return {
        show: show,
        hide: hide

var b1 = bubble(..., ...);

var b2 = bubble(..., ...);

See how this frees you from using contrivances like .bind() and underscore-prefixed methods.

One option would be to namespace the event:

$(document).on('click.name', test.bind(this));

Example Here

Please read https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind

bind creates a new function therefore doing $(document).on('click', test.bind(this)); is like $(document).on('click', function(){}); and each time you execute it you invoke a new anonymous function thus you dont have a reference to unbind.

If you would do something like:

var test = function(){

var newFunct = test.bind(this);
$(document).on('click', newFunct );
$(document).off('click', newFunct );

It should work fine

e.g: http://jsfiddle.net/508dr0hv/

Also - using bind is not recommended, its slow and not supported in some browsers.

try use jQuery's proxy to get a unique reference of your function.

In this way, when you call $.proxy(test, this), it will check if this function has already been referenced before. If yes, proxy will return you that reference, otherwise it will create one and return it to you. So that, you can always get your original function, rather than create it over and over again (like using bind).

Therefore, when you call off(), and pass it the reference of your test function, off() will remove your function from click event.

And also, your test function should be declared before use it.

var test = function(){

$(document).on('click', $.proxy(test, this));
$(document).off('click', $.proxy(test, this));
