jQuery get elements without display="none"

$("tbody > tr:visible")

Should do it, by using the :visible selector.

The accepted answer works, and is very useful, but not technically what the OP directly asked.

I'm splitting hairs, admittedly, but I needed to find only tr elements which literally did not contain display: none within their style attribute, because the parent element might be hidden, thus returning no elements.

So I wrote the following:

var $trWithoutDisplayNone = $('tbody > tr:not([style*="display: none"])');


The original code will select an array of all trs on a page with no style attribute containing "display: none".

A more efficient and specific way would be to target the table itself.


<table id="tableID">
    <tr style="background: grey; display: none;">


    function getDisplayedRows($targetTable) {
            return $targetTable.find('tr:not([style*="display: none"])');

    $(function() { //shortcut for document ready
        var $table = $("#tableID"), //get table by selector
            $visibleRows = getDisplayedRows($table); //run function to get rows without display: none