Joining GoDaddy-issued .spc and .key files into a complete .pfx / .cer certificate

In the end I managed to figure out a procedure that works. Here are the steps to generate a new PFX and CER code signing certificate from SPC and KEY files:

  1. Obtain your new CodeSign.spc certificate from GoDaddy.
  2. Export a PEM-formatted private key from the expired PFX:

    openssl.exe pkcs12 -in CodeSign.pfx -nocerts -out CodeSign.pem
  3. Convert the PEM-formatted private key into the PVK format:

    pvk.exe -in CodeSign.pem -topvk -strong -out CodeSign.pvk
  4. Combine the PVK and SPC into PFX:

    pvk2pfx.exe -pvk CodeSign.pvk -pi <passphrase> -spc CodeSign.spc -pfx CodeSign.pfx -po <passphrase> -f
  5. Import the resulting PFX file into Windows certificate store. Remember to make it exportable.

  6. Export it from the certificate store into the binary CER format as CodeSign.cer.
  7. Optionally delete the certificate from the Windows certificate store.

In case you are renewing your certificate periodically you can store the PVK file and skip steps (2) and (3).

UPDATE: In case you happen to have the certificate in CRT instead of SPC format, do the following to covert it into SPC:

openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile CodeSign.crt -outform DER -out CodeSign.spc



The tools you will need:

  • OpenSSL
  • pvk.exe — see the download link at the bottom of that page (original location may not be accessible; in such a case see this article with a link to a mirror site or another direct download link here)
  • pvk2pfx.exe — part of Microsoft SDKs, installs with Visual Studio 2010

I had the similar issue and I spent at least few hours searching around for a solution. GoDaddy provided me with .spc and .pem file and I couldn't create .pfx file out if it using OpenSSL. Finally, I imported .spc file within my local computer using MMC. Once the certificate was imported in my local machine, I noticed that it brought in GoDaddy's chain file along with the Code Sign Cert file itself. MMC View

Now, select both files and right click to export as .pfx file. Supply a password to protect the file and you're done. By far, this is the simplest and straight forward solution. Hope this post helps many people.

You can create PFX with openssl only.

  1. Export a PEM-formatted private key from the expired PFX:

    openssl pkcs12 -in CodeSign.pfx -nocerts -out CodeSign.pem
  2. Create PFX

    openssl pkcs7 -in CodeSign.spc -inform der -print_certs | openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey CodeSign.pem -out CodeSign.pfx