Joi Nested schema

You could use object.keys API

var nestedSchema = joi.object().keys({
    b: joi.number()

var base = joi.object({
    a: joi.string(),
    nestedData: nestedSchema

Although Francesco's answer works, there's no need to use object.keys(). The error the question creator was doing is to pass a schema as a parameter to joi.object().

So, creating nested schemas is as simple as assigning a schema to a key belonging to another schema.

const schemaA = Joi.string()
const schemaB = Joi.object({ keyB1: schemaA, keyB2: Joi.number() })
const schemaC = Joi.object({
  keyC1: Joi.string(),
  keyC2: schemaB  

Joi.validate({ keyC1: 'joi', keyC2: { keyB1: 'rocks!', keyB2: 3 } }, schemaC)

just a tip based on Francesco's accepted answer:

if you need "nestedData" to be required -> "nestedData: nestedSchema.required()" in "base" will not work, you need to set it directly on "nestedSchema" just like any other parameter

    var nestedSchema = joi.object().keys({
        b: joi.number()

    var base = joi.object({
        a: joi.string(),
        nestedData: nestedSchema