Jinja2 Exception Handling

While jinja2 does not have a way to handle this by default, there is a workaround.

Since try is not supported in the template language, we need a helper function defined in Python, like this:

def handle_catch(caller, on_exception):
         return caller()
         return on_exception

This method is injected into the template engine, either via the Environment.globals or when calling the render method. In this example it is injected via the render method.


In the template itself it is then possible to define a macro:

{% macro catch(on_exception) %}
    {{ handle_catch(caller, on_exception) }}
{% endmacro %}

And this can then be used as:

{% for item in items %}
   {% call catch('') %}
       {{ item | custom_urlencode_filter }}
   {% endcall %}
{% endfor %}


  • The caller method is provided by the jinja2, and this is a function that renders the code between {% call ... %} and {% endcall %}
  • on_exception can be used to provide an alternative text in case of exceptions, but in this case we just use an empty string.

{% for item in items %}
   {{ item | custom_urlencode_filter }}
{% endfor %}

Then in whatever file you have setting up your jinja2 environment

def custom_urlencode_filter(value):
        return urlencode(value)
        # handle the exception

environment.filters['custom_urlencode_filter'] = custom_urlencode_filter

More on custom jinja2 filters