Jenkins - How to run one housekeeping job on all nodes (slaves + master)

The Node and Label Parameter plugin allows you to parameterize where a job should be run. The job can be run on more than one node -- each node shows up as a separate execution in the job's build history. When multiple nodes are selected, you can configure whether the job should continue to run on other nodes if an execution fails.

I had a similar need, but using the Node and Label Parameter Plugin didn't seem quite right, as I do not want to parameterize my cleanup jobs.

I found a more satisfying answer in this post and thought it would also benefit to this question: Jenkins - Running a single job in master as well as slave.

Here is some documentation on how to configure a "Matrix project":

What you are looking for is the "Slave axis". It's not very well documented in the page above, but it appears as an option of the "Add axis" menu whenever there are more than one node. Here's a screenshot of the interesting part:

Configuration matrix using the slave axis

