Jenkins Blue Ocean not loading after initial install on existing Jenkins instance

Yes - this is a bug with Jenkins (we need a null-check in that bunkerkey function for sure).

I was able to resolve this by removing a legacy job that used a folder shortcut to 'LastSuccessFullBuild' that didn't exist. (I actually deleted the entire legacy/disabled job).

You can determine which job is causing the js error by placing a breakpoint on at ActivityService.bunkerKey (blueocean-core-js.js:57207) in your browser tools and inspecting the 'data' object before it throws. Once you know the offending job, if you can delete it, you're done. Otherwise, you will likely have to run it/alter it to get it to generate the proper links.


Looks like a straight up bug.

Usual practice when this kind of thing happens is to:

  1. Navigate to the Installed Plugins page. (Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Installed tab).
  2. Enter "Blue Ocean" (without the quotes) into the Filter text box in the top corner.
  3. Click the "Downgrade to x.y" button in the "Previously installed version" column of the "Blue Ocean" row.

Note: the Blue Ocean plugin is the parent plugin for all the Blue Ocean dependencies. It is this parent plugin that will be only one that has the Enabled checkbox enabled. Unchecking this box disables the plugin but doesn't uninstall it.