JDK 1.8 on Linux missing JNI include file

It seems so. #include "jni_md.h" would include the file in the same directory as jni.h, but it is placed in linux folder.

In previous JDK versions it seems that file and another were place in include/linux folder, but there are symlinks to both files in include.

So you can just create symlinks to both files:

$ sudo ln -s /opt/jdk1.8.0_11/include/linux/jni_md.h /opt/jdk1.8.0_11/include/jni_md.h
$ sudo ln -s /opt/jdk1.8.0_11/include/linux/jawt_md.h /opt/jdk1.8.0_11/include/jawt_md.h


As stated in the comments by Absurd-Mind and Mikkel, there is also the option to add that path to the makefile compiler options:


No, this is not a bug. The correct way to solve this issue is to provide -I${JAVA_HOME}/include -I${JAVA_HOME}/include/linux compiler options. This way your build scripts remain portable.

The OP is facing the problem on Linux, but if anybody is facing this problem on windows, please add following compiler options.

-I"%JAVA_HOME%\include" -I"%JAVA_HOME%\include\win32" where JAVA_HOME points to your JDK installation directory, usually 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.{7|8}.{}_{xx}'