Javascript Regex to limit Text Field to only Numbers (Must allow non-printable keys)

The best method here is to use input event which handles all your concerns. It is supported in all modern browsers. With jQuery you can do like following. Handles all cases pasting the value with mouse/keyboard backspace etc.

$('.numeric').on('input', function (event) { 
    this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');

See it here

You can check if input event is supported by checking if the input has this property if not you can use onkeyup for older browsers.

if (inputElement.hasOwnProperty('oninput')) {
    // bind input
} else {
    // bind onkeyup

A nice solution is described in a previous post:

jQuery('.numbersOnly').keyup(function () { 
    this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,'');

Try it like,


.error{border:1px solid #F00;}


    var deleteKeyCode = 8;
    var backspaceKeyCode = 46;
    if ((e.which>=48 && e.which<=57) ||
         (e.which>=96 && e.which<=105)  || // for num pad numeric keys
         e.which === deleteKeyCode || // for delete key,
             e.which === backspaceKeyCode) // for backspace
         // you can add code for left,right arrow keys
        return true;
        return false;
