javascript: pass an object as the argument to a onclick function inside string

The above example does not work because the output of obj to text is [Object object], so essentially, you are calling someListener([Object object]).

While you have the instance of the element in o, bind to it's click using javascript:

function myfunction(obj,parentobj){ 
    var o=document.createElement("div");
    o.innerHTML='<input type="button" />';

    o.onClick = function () {


I have created a working fiddle for you here: JSFiddle

function myfunction(obj,parentobj){ 
        var o=document.createElement("div");
         o.innerHTML="<input type='button' onclick='somelistener("+JSON.stringify(obj)+")'/>"; 
    // my similar problem, function a was called in a jsonArray loop in the dataTable initiation
    function a(data, type, obj) {
                         var str = "";
                         str += "<span class='button-group'>";
                         str +="<a onclick='chooseData1("+JSON.stringify(obj)+")'>[选择]</a>";
                         str += "</span>";
                         return str;
function chooseData1(data){