Javascript: move objects from one array to another: Best approach?

If you wish to move simply whole array you could do:

appliedObjects = objects;
objects = []

Of course it won't work if they were parameters of a function! Otherwise I cannot see other way than copying in the loop, e.g.

while (objects.length) {

or if you like short code :) :

while (objects.length) appliedObjects.push(objects.splice(0,1));

check fiddle

You are altering the array while iterating on it, you will always miss some elements.

One way of doing it would be to use a third array to store the references of the objects that need to be removed from the array:

// "$scope.add" case
var objectsToRemove = [];

$scope.objects.forEach(function (value) {
  if (value.selected) {
    value.selected = false;

objectsToRemove.forEach(function (value) {
  $scope.objects.splice($scope.objects.indexOf(value), 1);

function moveElements(source, target, moveCheck) {
    for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
        var element = source[i];
        if (moveCheck(element)) {
            source.splice(i, 1);

function selectionMoveCheck(element) {
   if (element.selected) {
       element.selected = false;
       return true;

$scope.remove = function () {
    moveElements($scope.appliedObjects, $scope.objects, selectionMoveCheck);

$scope.add = function () {
    moveElements($scope.objects, $scope.appliedObjects, selectionMoveCheck);

When a construct does too much automatically (like forEach, or even a for-loop, in this case), use a more primitive construct that allows you to say what should happen clearly, without need to work around the construct. Using a while loop, you can express what needs to happen without resorting to backing up or otherwise applying workarounds:

function moveSelected(src, dest)  {
    var i = 0;
    while ( i < src.length ) {
        var item = src[i];
        if (item.selected) {
        else i++;