javascript class and functions code example

Example 1: javascript new function as class

// Javascript Function that behaves as class, with private variables
function Person(name){
    const birth = new Date();
    this.greet = () => `Hello my name is ${name}. I was born at ${birth.toISOString()}`;

const joe = new Person("Joe");
joe.greet(); // Hello my name is Joe. I was born at 2021-04-09T21:12:33.098Z
// The birth variable is "inaccessible" from outside so "private"

Example 2: javascript classes

//use classes by initiating one like so:
class MyClass {
	constructor(FirstProperty, SecondProperty, etcetera) {
    	//The constructor function is called with the new class 
      	//instance's parameters, so this will be called like so:
      	//var classExample = new MyClass("FirstProperty's Value", ...)
      this.firstProperty = FirstProperty;
      this.secondProperty = SecondProperty;
  //creat methods just like functions:
  method(Parameters) {
  	//Code Here
  //getters are properties that are calculated when called, versus fixed
  //variables, but still have no parenthesis when used
  get getBothValues() 
  	return [firstProperty, secondProperty];
//Note: this is all syntax sugar reducing the boilerplate versus a
// function-defined object.

Example 3: javascript class example

// to create a class named 'LoremIpsum':

class LoremIpsum {
  // a function that will be called on each instance of the class
  // the parameters are the ones passed in the instantiation

  constructor(a, b, c) {
    this.propertyA = a;
    // you can define default values that way
    this.propertyB = b || "a default value";
    this.propertyC = c || "another default value";
  // a function that can influence the object properties
  someMethod (d) {
    this.propertyA = this.propertyB;
    this.propertyB = d;

// you can then call it
var loremIpsum = new LoremIpsum ("dolor", null, "sed");

// at this point:
// loremIpsum = { propertyA: 'dolor',
//                propertyB: 'a default value',
//                propertyC: 'sed' }


// at this point:
// loremIpsum = { propertyA: 'a default value',
//                propertyB: 'amit',
//                propertyC: 'sed' }


Example 4: how to create class in javascript

class ClassName