javascript getTime() to 10 digits only

Try dividing it by 1000, and use parseInt method.

const t = parseInt(;


I think you just have to divide it by 1000 milliseconds and you'll get time in seconds


If brevity is ok, then:

function secondsSinceEpoch() {
    return new Date/1000 | 0;


  • new Date is equivalent to new Date()
  • | 0 truncates the decimal part of the result and is equivalent to Math.floor(new Date/1000) (see What does |0 do in javascript).

Using newer features, and allowing for a Date to be passed to the function, the code can be reduced to:

let getSecondsSinceEpoch = (x = new Date) => x/1000 | 0;

But I prefer function declarations as I think they're clearer.