Javascript fuzzy search that makes sense

I tried using existing fuzzy libraries like fuse.js and also found them to be terrible, so I wrote one which behaves basically like sublime's search.

The only typo it allows is a transpose. It's pretty solid (1k stars, 0 issues), very fast, and handles your case easily:

fuzzysort.go('int', ['international', 'splint', 'tinder'])
// [{highlighted: '*int*ernational', score: 10}, {highlighted: 'spl*int*', socre: 3003}]

Good question! But my thought is that, rather than trying to modify Levenshtein-Demerau, you might be better to try a different algorithm or combine/ weight the results from two algorithms.

It strikes me that exact or close matches to the "starting prefix" are something Levenshtein-Demerau gives no particular weight to -- but your apparent user expectations would.

I searched for "better than Levenshtein" and, among other things, found this:

This mentions a number of "string distance" measures. Three which looked particularly relevant to your requirement, would be:

  1. Longest Common Substring distance: Minimum number of symbols that have to be removed in both strings until resulting substrings are identical.

  2. q-gram distance: Sum of absolute differences between N-gram vectors of both strings.

  3. Jaccard distance: 1 minues the quotient of shared N-grams and all observed N-grams.

Maybe you could use a weighted combination (or minimum) of these metrics, with Levenshtein -- common substring, common N-gram or Jaccard will all strongly prefer similar strings -- or perhaps try just using Jaccard?

Depending on the size of your list/ database, these algorithms can be moderately expensive. For a fuzzy search I implemented, I used a configurable number of N-grams as "retrieval keys" from the DB then ran the expensive string-distance measure to sort them in preference order.

I wrote some notes on Fuzzy String Search in SQL. See:
