c# loop through an array to display like json code example

Example 1: loop over json javascript

var arr = [ {"id":"10", "class": "child-of-9"}, {"id":"11", "class": "child-of-10"}];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
  document.write("<br><br>array index: " + i);
  var obj = arr[i];
  for (var key in obj){
    var value = obj[key];
    document.write("<br> - " + key + ": " + value);

Example 2: c# foreach object in array json

// Answer By: Cam3r0n#0481
// Pro Tip : Use this to convert your JSON to C# Classes
// https://json2csharp.com/

// The example json
// {"chat":[{"author":"Bob","content":"My name is Bob and I approve this message.","timestamp":1604438166}],"error":false,"message":"Chat fetched."}

public class ChatMessage
    public string author;
    public string content;
    public int timestamp;

public class ChatResponse
    public List<ChatMessage> chat;
    public bool error;
    public string message;

ChatResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ChatResponse>(json);
foreach (var message in response.chat)
    rtbChat.AppendText($"{message.author}: {message.content}\n");