Javafx adding ActionListener to button

If you want to e.g. reuse an EventHandler, define it like described in JavaFX Documentation as:

EventHandler<ActionEvent> buttonHandler = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
    public void handle(ActionEvent event) {

You can now add your defined buttonHandler to the onAction of your button via:


And citing from the documentation providing the remove option for completeness:

To remove an event handler that was registered by a convenience method, pass null to the convenience method, for example, node1.setOnMouseDragged(null).

Resulting for you in:


The documentation furthermore provides some examples how to add handler for specific events - it's a good read.

Just the same approach, but easier with lamda expressions:

button.setOnAction(event -> buttonSaveClicked());

I think this is how I should do. Creating the handler:

public EventHandler<Event> createSolButtonHandler()
    btnSolHandler = new EventHandler<Event>() {

        public void handle(Event event) {
    return btnSolHandler;

Adding Handler to button:

btnSol.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, biddingHelperFrameController.createSolButtonHandler());