JavaFX 2 Automatic Column Width

This works for me in JavaFX 8

table.setColumnResizePolicy( TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY );
col1.setMaxWidth( 1f * Integer.MAX_VALUE * 50 ); // 50% width
col2.setMaxWidth( 1f * Integer.MAX_VALUE * 30 ); // 30% width
col3.setMaxWidth( 1f * Integer.MAX_VALUE * 20 ); // 20% width

In the other examples you have the problem, the vertical scrollbar width is ignored.

As I use SceneBuider, I just define the MinWidth, and MaxWidth to some columns and to the main column I just define the PrefWidth to "USE_COMPUTED_SIZE"

If your total number of columns are pre-known. You can distribute the column widths among the tableview's width:

nameCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(personTable.widthProperty().divide(4)); // w * 1/4
surnameCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(personTable.widthProperty().divide(2)); // w * 1/2
emailCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(personTable.widthProperty().divide(4)); // w * 1/4

In this code, the width proportions of columns are kept in sync when the tableview is resized, so you don't need to do it manually. Also the surnameCol takes the half space of the tableview's width.


Javafx 2