Java8 CompletableFuture recoverWith equivalent? eg exceptionally but return CompletableFuture<U>

Is this what you are looking for?

askPong("cause error")
        .handle( (pong, ex) -> ex == null 
                ? CompletableFuture.completedFuture(pong) 
                : askPong("Ping")
        ).thenCompose(x -> x);

Also, do not use the ...Async methods unless you intend for the body of the supplied function to be executed asynchronously. So when you do something like

.handleAsync((x, t) -> {
    if (t != null) {
        return askPong("Ping");
    } else {
        return x;

You are asking for the if-then-else to be run in a separate thread. Since askPong returns a CompletableFuture, there's probably no reason to run it asynchronously.