Java - Replace host in url?

I quickly tried using,, and org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder, and none of them seemed to get the idea of a host header possibly including a port, so they all needed some extra logic from what I could see to make it happen correctly, without the port being "doubled up" at times, and not replaced correctly at other times.

Since doesnt require any extra libs, I used it. I do know that if I was using URL.equals somewhere, that could be a problem as it does DNS lookups possibly, but I'm not so I think it's good, as this covers my use cases, as displayed by the pseudo unit test.

I put together this way of doing it, which you can test it out online here at !


class Main 
  public static void main(String[] args) 

  public static void testReplaceHostInUrl()
    assertEquals("http://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("http://localhost/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000")); 
    assertEquals("http://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("http://localhost:19000/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000")); 
    assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("http://localhost:19000/me/out?it=5","super")); 
    assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super")); 
    assertEquals("https://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("https://localhost/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000")); 
    assertEquals("https://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("https://localhost:19000/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000")); 
    assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super")); 
    assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super")); 
    assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443")); 
    assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80")); 
    assertEquals("http://super:8080/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:8080")); 
    assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80")); 
    assertEquals("https://super:80/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80")); 
    assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443")); 
    assertEquals("http://super:443/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443")); 
    assertEquals("http://super:443/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("HTTP://","super:443")); 
    assertEquals("http://SUPERDUPER:443/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5", replaceHostInUrl("HTTP://WWW.TEST.COM:443/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5","SUPERDUPER:443")); 
    assertEquals("https://SUPERDUPER:23/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5", replaceHostInUrl("HTTPS://WWW.TEST.COM:22/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5","SUPERDUPER:23")); 
    assertEquals(null, replaceHostInUrl(null, null));

  public static String replaceHostInUrl(String url, String newHost)
    if (url == null || newHost == null)
      return url;

      URL originalURL = new URL(url);

      boolean hostHasPort = newHost.indexOf(":") != -1;
      int newPort = originalURL.getPort();
      if (hostHasPort)
        URL hostURL = new URL("http://" + newHost);
        newHost = hostURL.getHost();
        newPort = hostURL.getPort();
        newPort = -1;

      // Use implicit port if it's a default port
      boolean isHttps = originalURL.getProtocol().equals("https");
      boolean useDefaultPort = (newPort == 443 && isHttps) || (newPort == 80 && !isHttps);
      newPort = useDefaultPort ? -1 : newPort;

      URL newURL = new URL(originalURL.getProtocol(), newHost, newPort, originalURL.getFile());
      String result = newURL.toString();

      return result;
    catch (MalformedURLException e)
      throw new RuntimeException("Couldnt replace host in url, originalUrl=" + url + ", newHost=" + newHost);

  public static void assertEquals(String expected, String actual)
    if (expected == null && actual == null)
      System.out.println("TEST PASSED, expected:" + expected + ", actual:" + actual);

    if (! expected.equals(actual))
      throw new RuntimeException("Not equal! expected:" + expected + ", actual:" + actual);

    System.out.println("TEST PASSED, expected:" + expected + ", actual:" + actual);

The Spring Framework provides the UriComponentsBuilder. You can use it like this:

import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;

String initialUri = "http://localhost/me/out?it=5";
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(initialUri);
String modifiedUri ="myserver").port("20000").toUriString();
// ==> http://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5

Here you need to provide hostname and port in separate calls to get right encoding.

You were right to use The host and port (and user/password, if they exist) are collectively known as the authority component of the URI:

public static String replaceHostInUrl(String originalURL,
                                      String newAuthority)
throws URISyntaxException {

    URI uri = new URI(originalURL);
    uri = new URI(uri.getScheme().toLowerCase(Locale.US), newAuthority,
        uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());

    return uri.toString();

(A URI’s scheme is required to be lowercase, so while the above code can be said not to perfectly preserve all of the original URL’s non-authority parts, an uppercase scheme was never actually legal in the first place. And, of course, it won’t affect the functionality of the URL connections.)

Note that some of your tests are in error. For instance:

assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443")); 
assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80")); 

Although https://super/me/out?it=5 is functionally identical to https://super:443/me/out?it=5 (since the default port for https is 443), if you specify an explicit port in a URI, then the URI has a port specified in its authority and that’s how it should stay.


If you want an explicit but unnecessary port number to be stripped, you can use URL.getDefaultPort() to check for it:

public static String replaceHostInUrl(String originalURL,
                                      String newAuthority)
throws URISyntaxException,
       MalformedURLException {

    URI uri = new URI(originalURL);
    uri = new URI(uri.getScheme().toLowerCase(Locale.US), newAuthority,
        uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());

    int port = uri.getPort();
    if (port > 0 && port == uri.toURL().getDefaultPort()) {
        uri = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(),
            uri.getHost(), -1, uri.getPath(),
            uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());

    return uri.toString();

