Java - Obtain text within script tag using Jsoup

Yes. You can use Element#getElementsByTag() to get all the script tag . Each script tags will be represented by the DataNode.

 Document doc =Jsoup.connect("").timeout(10000).get();
 Elements scriptElements = doc.getElementsByTag("script");

 for (Element element :scriptElements ){                
        for (DataNode node : element.dataNodes()) {

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Elements scripts = doc.getElementsByTag("script");
for (Element script : scripts) {

Alternatively, you could use the Element#html() method that returns the inner html of an element.

Since 1.11.1: Use efficient Element#selectFirst() method to find the script element.

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("").timeout(10000).get();
Element scriptElement = doc.selectFirst("script");

// Don't forget to check scriptElement is not null...

String jsCode = scriptElement.html(); 

Up to Jsoup 1.10.3: Combine Element#select() and Elements#first() calls to find the script element.

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("").timeout(10000).get();
Element scriptElement ="script").first();

// Don't forget to check scriptElement is not null...

String jsCode = scriptElement.html();