

The Application#getProperties() method was introduced in JAX-RS 2.0. And this error typically happens when you mix JAX-RS 1.x and JAX-RS 2.x.

So check the JARs on your classpath and remove everything that relates to JAX-RS 1.x (and Jersey 1.x).

Once you are using Maven, you can run mvn dependency:tree and check what's going on with your dependencies.

I also see a few things that may cause some headaches:

  1. See below the correct Servlet API dependency for Tomcat 8 (don't forget the provided scope):

  2. Ensure that all Jersey dependencies use the same version.

  3. You probably don't need the, jersey-server and jersey-common dependencies.

    • Use jersey-container-servlet, jersey-media-json-jackson and jersey-media-multipart dependencies.

    • The jersey-container-servlet dependency uses, jersey-server and jersey-common as transitive dependencies.

  4. You probably don't need <type>jar</type> in your dependencies.

It can be solved by excluding the jar as defined below, as JSR jar is conflicting with JAX-RS and creating the above error


Please remove it and run, it worked for me and i hope it will work for u too.

I agree with Cassio. There are a couple of things I would add:

  • The dependency for me existed in jersey-core.
  • I could only see the hierarchal dependency in mvn dependency:tree. I may have missed it, but it was not showing up in the Eclipse hierarchy tree view.