java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.bytedeco.javacpp.avutil

First problem

Your versions don't match. org.bytedeco.javacpp in version 0.10 is from Dec 2014, while all your other versions are from May 2016. You need to use version 1.2 of org.bytedeco.javacpp, or better yet, update all dependencies to the latest version.

You can see the versions here:

org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets » opencv

org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets » ffmpeg

org.bytedeco » javacv

org.bytedeco » javacpp

Second problem

You include the dependencies for Java code only, but you don't include the dependencies for native code (both opencv and ffmpeg are native libraries). You need to include opencv-platform and ffmpeg-platform instead:


This will make Maven download and include opencv and ffmpeg libraries for Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows, both x86 and x64.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.bytedeco.javacpp.avutil

Actual cause of error is different versions of dependencies. That's why javacpp package failed during mapping of classes.

Follow these step to resolve this problem:

  • Download latest version of Javacv library package from here
  • Copy these three .jar files into libs folder

    • ffmpeg.jar
    • javacv.jar
    • javacpp.jar
  • Create jniLibs folder in app\src\main

  • Now, create four different folders for different architectures

    • arm64-v8a
    • armeabi
    • armeabi-v7a
    • x86
  • Change extension of these two files ffmpeg-android-arm.jar, ffmpeg-android-x86.jar to .zip then unzip both folders and Copy .so files for each architecture and paste in its respected directory. Your resultant directory should be look like this

  • List item

  • Add .jar dependencies in your gradle file as follows:

    implementation files('libs/ffmpeg.jar')
    implementation files('libs/javacpp.jar')
    implementation files('libs/javacv.jar')```

Thanks for reading :)