Java HTTP Client for ElasticSearch

Hi There is a brand new project just matching your needs. It Java based Rest API for Elasticsearch

Check it out! its name JEST

A new "official" REST-based java client will be available starting with v5.0.0-alpha4.

We just open sourced Flummi, a Java HTTP/REST client for Elastic Search. It imitates the transport client's API as closely as possible, making it easy to port existing code. It also provides a better abstraction level than Jest, because it reports all the errors with Exceptions. Give it a try!

Simple usage example:

Flummi flummi = new Flummi("http://elasticsearch.base.url:9200");

SearchResponse searchResponse = flummi
      QueryBuilders.termQuery("color", "yellow").build()

System.out.println("Found " 
   + searchResponse.getHits().getTotalHits()
   + " products");
  .stream().map(hit -> hit.getSource().get("name").getAsString())
  .forEach(name -> System.out.println("Name: " + name));