Java Generic Wildcard Constructor not accepting objects?

The issue here is that List<RandomizerEntry<ItemStack>> is not a subtype of List<RandomizerEntry<?>> so your constructor is not applicable to your argument. See this section of the Java tutorial which specifically addresses this misunderstanding.

As for the IDE suggestion to create another constructor, this won't work because in Java it is not possible to "overload a method where the formal parameter types of each overload erase to the same raw type" (details).

To solve the issue one way is simply to make the type of your local variable compatible with your constructor, although this will of course limit what you can do with it:

List<RandomizerEntry<?>> randomizerList = new ArrayList<>();

? (wildcars) mostly used when the generic code doesn't require any reference to a type and RandomizedWrapper isn't type of class where wildcards are needed. In this case its preferable to use Type Parameter <T> (Difference between ? (wildcard) and Type Parameter in Java)

public class RandomizedWrapper<T>{

    final int upperBound = 100;
    final List<RandomizerEntry<T>> randomizeList;
    Map<Integer, RandomizerEntry<T>> randomizerMap;

     * Construct a new RandomizedWrapper instance
     * @param randomizeList - A list containing all randomizable objects
    public RandomizedWrapper(final List<RandomizerEntry<T>> randomizeList) {

        this.randomizeList = randomizeList;
        this.randomizerMap = new HashMap<>();

    public void create(){
        List<RandomizerEntry<Integer>> randomizerList = new ArrayList<>();
        //stuff here
        RandomizedWrapper wrapper = new RandomizedWrapper(randomizerList);//OK