Java garbage collector G1GC taking long for 'Object Copy' (Evacuation Pause)

Why is GCG1 still doing a "stop the world" for this?

Because G1 is not a pauseless collector, it is just a low-pause collector.

Also I thought that the default value for -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis is 200 milliseconds, why is this value violated by a factor of 29 or even 50 (see below)?

It is, but it's just a goal, not a guarantee. Many things can cause it to fail to meet that goal. You got a fairly large heap, this makes things more difficult, i.e. failures are easier to provoke.

Anyway, the GC tuning journey starts with enabling verbose GC logging via

-Xloggc:<path to gc log file>

Update: These options are for hotspot 8. 9 and later use unified logging which has a different parameter format.

and then running the resulting log through GCViewer to get a general overview and then going back to reading individual log entries (there are many answers/blog posts on this topic) to figure out what might be causing the worst behavior. Depending on the cause various remedies can be tried.

Some general understanding of how tracing garbage collectors work in general and G1 will be necessary to avoid cargo-culting.

My application has many allocations which could be easily called "humongous allocations".

If that actually is the cause then current VMs have some experimental options to reclaim them sooner.

 [Object Copy (ms): Min: 6964.1, Avg: 6973.0, Max: 6989.5, Diff: 25.3, Sum: 69730.4]
 [Times: user=0.55 sys=46.58, real=7.02 secs] 

This means it spends most of the time in the kernel when doing something that should mostly consist of memory accesses and not system calls. So swap activity or transparent huge pages are likely suspects.