Java 8 stream API orElse usage

It might be more readable with ternary conditional operator:

    .filter(user -> id.equals(user.getId()))
        user -> (user.getData() != null) 
        ? user.getData() 
        : emptyMap()

In order to use orElse you'll have to create an Optional that wraps user.getData(). I'm not sure that's a good idea.

If you insist on using orElse (or even better, orElseGet, to avoid evaluating emptyMap() when it's not required), it can look like this:

    .filter(user -> id.equals(user.getId()))
        user -> Optional.ofNullable(
            () -> emptyMap()

As I pointed out in the comments as well and I highly doubt that you might just be looking for the following

        user -> id.equals(user.getId()) 
        && (user.getData() != null)

But then the question isn't clear enough to say what is the eventual return type of your statement is or what is the emptyMap used in your code! Hence I highly doubt, if you even need an Optional API in first place for this operation.

Note: The above-stated solution does assume that emptyMap is Collections.emptyMap which I am not sure why would one want to collect in a data structure which is denoted as List<Map<K,V>>.