Java 8: How to compare all elements of a Set

As you said in your question, a possible solution is to loop over the set twice and determine if there are any overlaps. So what we need to determine is if, for any element in the set, we can find any other element that is different and overlaps with it.

With the Stream API, you could thus have the following:

boolean overlap =
        o1 -> -> o1 != o2 && o1.overlap(o2))

anyMatch will determine if any elements of the stream satisfies the given condition. The code above is therefore asking if there is one o1 such that there is one o2 different than o1 (we can safely use != here since both objects are coming from the same set) and overlapping with it.

Note that this is a O(n²) implementation: the set is traversed twice. This could be possible in a single iteration: at each iteration, an union of the intervals [dateBeginning, dateEnd] is kept; if at any-time the intersection between the current interval and the accumulated union is non-void, then we know an overlap has been hit.