Iterate through a dataframe by index

You want the following:

for i, row in staticData.iterrows():
    unique_id = i
    exchange = row['exchange']

i will be the index label value


In [57]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3), index=list('abcde'), columns=list('fgh'))

          f         g         h
a -0.900835 -0.913989 -0.624536
b -0.854091  0.286364 -0.869539
c  1.090133 -0.771667  1.258372
d -0.721753 -0.329211  0.479295
e  0.520786  0.273722  0.824172

In [62]:
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    print('index: ', i, 'col g:', row['g'])

index:  a col g: -0.913988608754
index:  b col g: 0.286363847188
index:  c col g: -0.771666520074
index:  d col g: -0.329211394286
index:  e col g: 0.273721527592

May be more pandasian way?

staticData.apply((lambda x: (, x['exchange'])), axis=1)