It was just a bug

Python 2, 59 57 56 55 bytes

i=8;exec"print(' '*abs(i)).join('1234567890');i-=1;"*17

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@Leaky Nun helped golfing this a lot, @Praind Suggested a method to save 1 byte, which I formerly thought of, but forgot to edit, @CotyJohnathanSaxman suggested changing the loop.


  • i=8 - Assigns the value 8 to a variable called i.

  • exec"..."*17 - Execute that block of code (...) 17 times.

  • print(...) - Output the result.

  • ' '*abs(i) - Create a String with a space repeated |i| times.

  • .join('1234567890') - Interleave the string created above with 1234567890, such that |i| spaces are inserted between the digits.

  • i-=1 - Decrement i, and by executing it 17 times, it reaches -8, which creates te repetitive pattern with the help of abs().

Vim, 35 bytes:

i1234567890<esc>qqYP:s/\d/& /g


i1234567890<esc>    " insert '1234567890'
qq                  " Record the following into register 'q'
  Y                 "   Yank a line
   P                "   Paste it above us
    :s/\d/& /g      "   Put a space after each number
Y                   "   Yank this line
 G                  "   Move the end of the buffer
  p                 "   Paste the line
   {                "   Move the beginning of the buffer
    q               " Stop recording
     7@q            " Call macro 'q' 7 times

05AB1E,  14  13 bytes


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17F            # for N in [0 ... 16] do
   9Ý          # push [0 ... 9]
     À         # rotate left
      N8α      # compute the absolute difference between N and 8
         ð×    # push that many spaces
           ý   # merge the list of digits with the space string as separator
            ,  # print