Issue with Base64-encoded parameter in query string

I was using HttpUtility.UrlEncode but I had problems if the base64 encoded string contained a "+" sign. It was correctly being encoded to "%2b" but when it was coming back from the browser it was interpreted as a space. So, I used two simple encode/decode methods instead:

public static string UrlEncodeBase64(string base64Input)
    return base64Input.Replace('+', '.').Replace('/', '_').Replace('=', '-');

public static string UrlDecodeBase64(string encodedBase64Input)
    return encodedBase64Input.Replace('.', '+').Replace('_', '/').Replace('-', '=');

You should URL encode the confirm parameter. The error you get is because of the last == fragment.

For this use HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode or similar framework methods.