Issue pushing new code in Github

When you created your repository on GitHub, you created a, which is a new commit.

Your local repository doesn't know about this commit yet. Hence:

Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally.

You may want to find to follow this advice:

You may want to first merge the remote changes (e.g., 'git pull') before pushing again.

That is:

git pull
# Fix any merge conflicts, if you have a `` locally
git push -u origin master

If this is your first push, then you might not care about the history on the remote. You could then do a "force push" to skip checks that git does to prevent you from overwriting any existing, or differing, work on remote. Use with extreme care!

just change the

git push **-u** origin master

change it like this!

git push -f origin master