Is this Next.JS folder structure recommended?

If someone is still interested, I save the file depending on its type in my project, for example:

    |-api              #Axios config to connect to my api
   |-AuthContext.js    #Global context to my app for auth purposes

I like the structure proposed in this article

  \_ /.next/
  \_ /components/
      \_ Button/
          \_ button.spec.jsx
          \_ button.styles.jsx
          \_ index.jsx
  \_ /constants/
      \_ theme.js
      \_ page.js
  \_ /contexts/
      \_ Locale/
         \_ index.js
      \_ Page/
         \_ index.js
  \_ /pages/
      \_ _app.jsx
      \_ _document.jsx
      \_ about.jsx
      \_ index.jsx
  \_ /providers/
      \_ Locale/
         \_ index.js
      \_ Page/
         \_ index.js
  \_ /public/
      \_ favicon.ico
      \_ header.png
  \_ /redux/
      \_ actions/
         \_ users/
            \_ index.js
         \_ products/
            \_ index.js
      \_ reducers/
         \_ users/
            \_ index.js
         \_ products/
            \_ index.js
      \_ store/
         \_ index.js
      \_ types/
         \_ index.js
  \_ /shared/
      \_ jsons/
          \_ users.json
      \_ libs/
          \_ locale.js
      \_ styles/
          \_ global.css
  \_ /widgets/
      \_ PageHeader/
          \_ index.jsx
  \_ .eslintignore
  \_ .eslintrc
  \_ .env
  \_ babel.config.js
  \_ Dockerfile
  \_ jest.config.js
  \_ next.config.js
  \_ package.json

Stumbled upon this post while searching for a suitable folder structure for NextJS myself. I've been using a similar structure but recently found that this is not how you're suppose to use NextJS.

I don't know too much about the details, but NextJS has optimizations at the page level. When you build a NextJS project, you will see the pages logged as part of the build. NextJS treats every component file under the pages folder as a page, so by placing non-page components in the pages folder, you are drastically increasing build time because now NextJS goes and builds every one of those components as a page.

To all who are still interested in this, I personally recommend this approach due to the fact that it helps compartmentalize resources and allows for quickly finding things and unit testing.

It was inspired by an article by HackerNoon on How to structure your React app