Is this a new Fibonacci Identity?

Here is an expanded comment of user44191. The basic observation is that one can extend $F_n$ to all $n\in {\mathbb Z}$ by requiring $F_{-n}=(-1)^{n+1}F_n$. Then by Vajda's formula, one has $$F_{n'+a'}F_{n'+b'}-F_{n'}F_{n'+a'+b'}=(-1)^{n'}F_{a'}F_{b'}=(-1)^{n'+a'+1}F_{-a'}F_{b'},$$ where one uses the extension above in the last equality. Now by the following substitutions, the above identity leads to the one given by user44191: $$n'=b-r,a'=a-b,b'=k+r+1,$$ using the fact that $a-r+1$ is congruent to $a+r+1$ mod $2$.

This identity is a special case of Euler's Identity for Continuants. It is a Pfaffian of degenerate $4\times 4$ matrix. Concrete mathematics gives the following reference:

enter image description here

As Michael Somos mentioned in his comment it is a part of "elliptic realm" where different identities arise as determinants of degenerate matrices. These matrices are degenerate because they are submatrices of infinite matrices of finite rank. For examle the matrix with entries $a_{m,n}=s_{m+n}s_{m-n}$ $(m,n\in \mathbb{Z})$ where $s_n$ is the Somos-$4$ seqence has rank $2$. For Somos-$6$ corresponding matrix has rank $4$ etc.

"Vajda's identity" is really Tagiuri's identity: A. Tagiuri, Di alcune successioni ricorrenti a termini interi e positivi, Periodico di Matematica 16 (1900–1901), 1–12. See also