Is there way to expand all folders in Eclipse project view and search results?

Eclipse on Linux:


Expand all folders below the selected folder. If you do it multiple times, next set of folders expand.

SHIFT + LEFT arrow

Collapses all folders below the selected folder.

Eclipse on Windows:

Right arrow -->> Expand
Left arrow -->> Collapse

On Mac: Select a folder and press Option+ARROW_RIGHT to expand all subfolders in the Eclipse file explorer. Press Option+ARROW_LEFT to collapse all subfolders.

On some Mac keyboards the Option key is also labeled Alt

Mars.1 Release (4.5.1), Linux (RHEL 6.7)

Expand Folders

Tap * once for each level that all folders under the selected folder should be expanded. For example, tapping * three times will expand all folders out to three levels.

(CTRL SHIFT Numpad * doesn't work for me as it should with this particular build/machine.)

Collapse All Folders

Tap Numpad / once to collapse all folders under the selected folder.

Expand/Collapse Single Folders

Shift + Right Arrow
Shift + Left Arrow

In Windows:

Expand all all in project explorer is Shift+Numpad * (multiplty), as mentioned before. Collapse all in project explorer is Ctrl+Shift+Numpad - (subtract).

Alternatively, you can just jam on the right arrow to expand to the bottom of a selected tree, or jam on the left arrow to collapse back up to the top.

If you want to see all the shortcuts available for the particular context you are in, type Ctrl+Shift+L.