Is there #Region code for HTML

Highlight the section you want collapsed, then go to Edit -> Outlining -> Hide Selection

Reference: How to: Collapse and Expand HTML Elements in Visual Web Developer

Edit: This assumes you're using Visual Studio

I think the short answer is no.

Region is only a IDE directive recognised by the editor (Visual Studio). There is nothing in the HTML standard and anything you did put in the HTML would be sent straight down to the browser too, so I've not come across anything and can't imagine there would ever be anything.

This indeed depends on the IDE, just noticed today that the newest version of the free Web Essentials 2012 plugin for Visual Studio has added region support in HTML.

  <!--#region main  -->

  <!--#endregion -->

As of Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 regions are now supported in the HTML editor. You may use the built in code snippet: type "

<!-- #region SampleRegion -->
<!-- #endregion -->

You can find the details of this improvement and other new features in update 4 here.