Is there Infinity in Spreadsheets?

I like to use 1e99 as it gives the largest number with the fewest keystrokes but I believe the absolute maximum is actually 9.99999E+307. At that stage of the number spectrum I don't think there is much difference as far as Excel is concerned.

I think it's worth adding that, Infinity as well as other special values can be returned from a vba function (How do you get VB6 to initialize doubles with +infinity, -infinity and NaN?):

 Function Infinity(Optional Recalc) As Double
 On Error Resume Next
 Infinity = 1/0
 End Function

When entered as a cell formula a large number is shown (2^1024). You can set a conditional format to show "+Infinity" as a number format with a formula condition:


A dummy argument containing a dynamic reference can be inserted so that values are recalculated when the workbook is opened, for example:

=Infinity(IF(,) IF(,))