Is there any way to mock Azure CloudQueueClient or CloudQueue?

The easiest way to handle this is with an Interface around a CloudQueueClient (which is what @tyrion) suggested, above .. but also an interface for a ICloudQueue

public interface ICloudQueueClientWrapper
    ICloudQueueWrapper GetQueueReference(string queueName);

// ----------------

public class CloudQueueClientWrapper : ICloudQueueClientWrapper
    private readonly Lazy<CloudQueueClient> _cloudQueueClient;

    public CloudQueueClientWrapper(string connectionStringName)

        _cloudQueueClient = new Lazy<CloudQueueClient>(() =>
            // We first need to connect to our Azure storage.
            var storageConnectionString = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting(connectionStringName);
            var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);

            // Create the queue client.
            return storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();

    public ICloudQueueWrapper GetQueueReference(string queueName)

        var cloudQueue = _cloudQueueClient.Value.GetQueueReference(queueName);
        return new CloudQueueWrapper(cloudQueue);

    // Add more methods here which are a one-to-one match against the underlying CQC.

So that's the first interface and wrapper ... and notice this returns an ICloudQueue instance .. so lets do that now...

public interface ICloudQueueWrapper
    Task AddMessageAsync(CloudQueueMessage message);

public class CloudQueueWrapper : ICloudQueueWrapper
    private readonly CloudQueue _cloudQueue;

    public CloudQueueWrapper(CloudQueue cloudQueue)

        _cloudQueue = cloudQueue;

    public async Task AddMessageAsync(CloudQueueMessage message)

        await _cloudQueue.AddMessageAsync(message);

Ok ... so now lets try using this in some unit test :)

    public async Task GivenSomeData_DoFooAsync_AddsDataToTheQueue(string[] stockIds)
        // Arrange.
        var cloudQueue = Mock.Of<ICloudQueueWrapper>();
        var cloudQueueClient = Mock.Of<ICloudQueueClientWrapper>();
        Mock.Get(cloudQueueClient).Setup(x => x.GetQueueReference(It.IsAny<string>()))
        var someService = new SomeService(cloudQueueClient);

        // Act.
        await someService.DoFooAsync(Session);

        // Assert.
        // Did we end up getting a reference to the queue?
        Mock.Get(cloudQueueClient).Verify(x => x.GetQueueReference(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once);

        // Did we end up adding something to the queue?
        Mock.Get(cloudQueue).Verify(x => x.AddMessageAsync(It.IsAny<CloudQueueMessage>()), Times.Exactly(stockids.Length));




