Is there any way to explore Gerudo Town without wearing the female disguise?

As the other answer stated, there's no way to do this on the unmodded game.

Keep in mind that you can wear more than just the Gerudo outfit: You can also enter Gerudo town with Thunder Helm, Sand Boots and Snow Boots, provided that you're wearing the rest of the Gerudo outfit.

There's multiple mods that allow this though, if you're fine with that.

Here's one for Wii U

Here's linkle mod for Switch, which includes a separate folder for Gate Bypass

In short, no

There have been countless attempts to do this, all of which failed

There seems to be a zone surrounding the town that prevents anyone from entering if they're not wearing the clothing, and that regardless of velocity at which you enter or height above the town, it's impossible to not trigger the guards