Is there any way to detect to which apps I can/can't reach their "app-info" screen?

The call to startActivity() is failing. Ideally, we would trace that call down into the Android system and figure out why it is failing to get some information that may lead to a fix. In lieu of that, I propose the following as a possible solution.

I am working off of the assumption that all installed packages can show an "apps-info" screen unless the package is a module that is hidden.

I have looked at an Android emulator running API 30 and the foregoing checks out. I am not convinced that this theory is valid in all cases. You mentioned the "Files" app as an issue. This app appears as a module but not in the list of installed apps as you suggested. The updated code addresses this.

I have put together a small app the can test whether apps-info screens are created or not depending upon the categories mentioned above. I have included it here for a further look. The comments in the code explain how the app works.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private var mActivitiesStarted = 1 // This activity counts.

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val modulesByPackageName = packageManager.getInstalledModules(MATCH_ALL)
            .filter { it.packageName != null } // packageName can be null according to the docs.
            .associate { moduleInfo -> Pair(moduleInfo.packageName, moduleInfo.isHidden) }

        // Comment/uncomment code in different paths to start apps-info activities for the
        // various categories of packages/modules.
        val installedByPackageName = mutableSetOf<String>()
        packageManager.getInstalledPackages(0).forEach {

            when (modulesByPackageName[it.packageName]) {
                true -> {
                    // Package is a module that is hidden. We should not be able to get to apps-info.
                    // Unfortunately, for testing, the activity will start but the apps-info
                    // screen will not display. This condition cannot be tested through a count
                    // of activities.
                        "<<<<Can't reach app-info for ${it.packageName} (hidden module)"
                    // This will fail to display but the activity will start.
//                    startAppsInfo(it.packageName)
                false -> {
                    // Package is a module that is not hidden. We should be able to get to apps-info.
                        "<<<<Can reach app-info for ${it.packageName} (not hidden module)"
                    // This should be successful.
                else -> {
                    // Package is not a module. We should be able to get to apps-info.
                        "<<<<Can reach app-info for ${it.packageName} (not module)"
                    // This should be successful.


        // Look at modules that are not hidden but do not appear in the installed packages list.
        // This should pick up modules like (Files).
        modulesByPackageName.filter { !it.value && !installedByPackageName.contains(it.key) }
            .forEach {
                    "<<<<Can reach app-info for ${it.key} (module but not in installed packages)"
                // This should be successful.

        // Check that we started the number of activities that we expected. Post to ensure that
        // all activities start and can be counted.
        Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post {
            val activityManager = getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager
            // getRunningTasks is deprecated, but it still returns tasks for the current app.
            val runningTasks = activityManager.getRunningTasks(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            val numActivities = runningTasks[0].numActivities
                "<<<<activitiesStarted=$mActivitiesStarted numActivities=$numActivities"

    private fun startAppsInfo(appPackageName: String) {
        val intent = Intent(