Is there any way to ARP ping on Windows?

Solution 1:

If you clear Window's arp cache ( arp -d ) and then try to ping the ip address, it will issue a arp broadcast.

Check it out with Wireshark.

Solution 2:

Arping for windows does actually exist.

Correction: this is for Linux, MAC OSX, etc... but can be installed on windows through cygwin.

Solution 3:

A built in way to do this in windows:

cmd /V /C "set "IP=" & FOR /L %i in () do @ping -n 1 -w 1000 "!IP!" >NUL & arp -a | findstr /c:"!IP! "  

If you want to show a fresh ARP result each time (Needs to run as administrator)

cmd /V /C "set "IP=" & FOR /L %i in () do @arp -d & @ping -n 1 -w 1000 "!IP!" >NUL & arp -a | findstr /c:"!IP! "

Solution 4:

WinXP's ARP command is for displaying data only. Try Nmap, it's free and fairly easy for this type of scan. Nmap is available at

Solution 5:

Try "arp-ping.exe"

Thought I would add this tool which runs directly from the command prompt:

  • Eli Fulkerson, arp-ping.exe - an implementation of ping via arp lookup (Archived here.)

arp-ping.exe command line options

Usage: arp-ping.exe [options] target
        -s ip : specify source ip
        -n X  : ping X times
        -t    : ping until stopped with CTRL-C
        -x    : exit immediately after successful ping
        -i X  : ping every X seconds
        -d    : do an 'arp -d *' between pings (requires Administrator)
                (-d prevents cached ARP responses on Windows XP.)
        -c    : include date and time on each line
        -m X  : ignore failures that take less than X milliseconds
        -.      : print a dot (.) for every ignored failure
        -l    : print debug log
        -v    : print version and exit

Versus the Linux "arping" command line options

Usage: arping [-fqbDUAV] [-c count] [-w timeout] [-I device] [-s source] destination
-f : quit on first reply
-q : be quiet
-b : keep broadcasting, don't go unicast
-D : duplicate address detection mode
-U : Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbours
-A : ARP answer mode, update your neighbours
-V : print version and exit
-c count : how many packets to send
-w timeout : how long to wait for a reply
-I device : which ethernet device to use (eth0)
-s source : source ip address
destination : ask for what ip address



