Is there an easy way to enter texttt mode, like $ for math mode?

You can use § as a delimiter without affecting other characters using the same first byte.




This is §monospaced§. This doesn't affect ©, ¶
and other similar UTF-8 characters.

You can also do §¶§


enter image description here

Not for \texttt but for \verb the base distribution includes shortvrb package that allows you to define a shorthand


  aaaa |z|  aaa

roman §tt text§ back to roman

enter image description here

However, as David points out in the comments, because § is not a single byte character, but a UTF-8 extended (multi-byte) character, this approach will wipe out any of the UTF-8 characters that begin with the same prefix, resulting in an error, if those characters are used (such as ©).

So, if you wanted this type of solution it would be better to choose the delimiter as a single-byte ASCII character and making it active:

roman |tt text| back to roman

The downside here is you lose the use of | as a normal input character. Therefore, you could get fancy and build an escape into the definition, so that || together would echo a single | to be typeset:

roman |tt text| back to roman || or $y =||x||$ and |then back to texttt|.

enter image description here

