Is there an Angular2 way to focus on an input field?

You can use a template reference variable in the first input, that will give you the ability to run .focus() on it.

In your template you can add #fieldName1 to your input tag (i.e. <input type="text" #fieldName1>)

in your controller do:

fieldName1: any;

now you can do this.fieldName1.nativeElement.focus() in the controller or fieldName1.focus() in the template.

It is not recommended to access dom directly in Angular. Angular provides Renderer (Angular2) and Renderer 2(Angular4) abstractions.

Here is how to do in Angular 2:

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
      <input #inp id="myInput" type="text">
      <button (click)="setFocus()">Set Focus</button>
export class App {
  @ViewChild('inp') inp:ElementRef;

  constructor(private renderer: Renderer) {

  setFocus() {
    this.renderer.invokeElementMethod(this.inp.nativeElement, 'focus');

In Angular4 Renderer is depricated and Renderer2 is added. invokeElementMethod got removed and there is a discussion about it:

Here is Angular 4 way:

 let onElement = this.renderer2.selectRootElement('#myInput');