Is there an algorithm for converting quaternion rotations to Euler angle rotations?

This looks like a classic case of old technology being overlooked - I managed to dig out a copy of Graphics Gems IV from the garage and it looks like Ken Shoemake has not only an algorithm for converting from Euler angles of arbitrary rotation order, but also answers most of my other questions on the subject. Hooray for books. If only I could vote up Mr. Shoemake's answer and reward him with reputation points.

I guess a recommendation that anybody working with Euler angles should get a copy of Graphics Gems IV from their local library and read the section starting page 222 will have to do. It has to be the clearest and most concise explanation of the problem I have read yet.

Here's a useful link I have found since - - This follows the same system as Shoemake; the 24 different permutations of rotation order are encoded as four separate parameters - inner axis, parity, repetition and frame - which then allows you to reduce the algorithm from 24 cases to 2. Could be a useful wiki in general - I hadn't come across it before.

To old link provided seems to be broken here is another copy of "Computing Euler angles from a rotation matrix ".

In a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system with Z axis pointing up, do this:

struct Quaternion
    double w, x, y, z;

void GetEulerAngles(Quaternion q, double& yaw, double& pitch, double& roll)
    const double w2 = q.w*q.w;
    const double x2 = q.x*q.x;
    const double y2 = q.y*q.y;
    const double z2 = q.z*q.z;
    const double unitLength = w2 + x2 + y2 + z2;    // Normalised == 1, otherwise correction divisor.
    const double abcd = q.w*q.x + q.y*q.z;
    const double eps = 1e-7;    // TODO: pick from your math lib instead of hardcoding.
    const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;   // TODO: pick from your math lib instead of hardcoding.
    if (abcd > (0.5-eps)*unitLength)
        yaw = 2 * atan2(q.y, q.w);
        pitch = pi;
        roll = 0;
    else if (abcd < (-0.5+eps)*unitLength)
        yaw = -2 * ::atan2(q.y, q.w);
        pitch = -pi;
        roll = 0;
        const double adbc = q.w*q.z - q.x*q.y;
        const double acbd = q.w*q.y - q.x*q.z;
        yaw = ::atan2(2*adbc, 1 - 2*(z2+x2));
        pitch = ::asin(2*abcd/unitLength);
        roll = ::atan2(2*acbd, 1 - 2*(y2+x2));

I've been looking for several days for a similar solution, and I finally ran across this website that has an algorithm for converting quaternions to arbitrary Euler and Tait-Bryan rotations!

Here's the link:

And here's the code:

// Quaternion to Euler
enum RotSeq{zyx, zyz, zxy, zxz, yxz, yxy, yzx, yzy, xyz, xyx, xzy,xzx};

void twoaxisrot(double r11, double r12, double r21, double r31, double r32, double res[]){
  res[0] = atan2( r11, r12 );
  res[1] = acos ( r21 );
  res[2] = atan2( r31, r32 );

void threeaxisrot(double r11, double r12, double r21, double r31, double r32, double res[]){
  res[0] = atan2( r31, r32 );
  res[1] = asin ( r21 );
  res[2] = atan2( r11, r12 );

void quaternion2Euler(const Quaternion& q, double res[], RotSeq rotSeq)
    case zyx:
      threeaxisrot( 2*(q.x*q.y + q.w*q.z),
                     q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                    -2*(q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y),
                     2*(q.y*q.z + q.w*q.x),
                     q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z,

    case zyz:
      twoaxisrot( 2*(q.y*q.z - q.w*q.x),
                   2*(q.x*q.z + q.w*q.y),
                   q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z,
                   2*(q.y*q.z + q.w*q.x),
                  -2*(q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y),

    case zxy:
      threeaxisrot( -2*(q.x*q.y - q.w*q.z),
                      q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                      2*(q.y*q.z + q.w*q.x),
                     -2*(q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y),
                      q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z,

    case zxz:
      twoaxisrot( 2*(q.x*q.z + q.w*q.y),
                  -2*(q.y*q.z - q.w*q.x),
                   q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z,
                   2*(q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y),
                   2*(q.y*q.z + q.w*q.x),

    case yxz:
      threeaxisrot( 2*(q.x*q.z + q.w*q.y),
                     q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z,
                    -2*(q.y*q.z - q.w*q.x),
                     2*(q.x*q.y + q.w*q.z),
                     q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,

    case yxy:
      twoaxisrot( 2*(q.x*q.y - q.w*q.z),
                   2*(q.y*q.z + q.w*q.x),
                   q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                   2*(q.x*q.y + q.w*q.z),
                  -2*(q.y*q.z - q.w*q.x),

    case yzx:
      threeaxisrot( -2*(q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y),
                      q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                      2*(q.x*q.y + q.w*q.z),
                     -2*(q.y*q.z - q.w*q.x),
                      q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,

    case yzy:
      twoaxisrot( 2*(q.y*q.z + q.w*q.x),
                  -2*(q.x*q.y - q.w*q.z),
                   q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                   2*(q.y*q.z - q.w*q.x),
                   2*(q.x*q.y + q.w*q.z),

    case xyz:
      threeaxisrot( -2*(q.y*q.z - q.w*q.x),
                    q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z,
                    2*(q.x*q.z + q.w*q.y),
                   -2*(q.x*q.y - q.w*q.z),
                    q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,

    case xyx:
      twoaxisrot( 2*(q.x*q.y + q.w*q.z),
                  -2*(q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y),
                   q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                   2*(q.x*q.y - q.w*q.z),
                   2*(q.x*q.z + q.w*q.y),

    case xzy:
      threeaxisrot( 2*(q.y*q.z + q.w*q.x),
                     q.w*q.w - q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                    -2*(q.x*q.y - q.w*q.z),
                     2*(q.x*q.z + q.w*q.y),
                     q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,

    case xzx:
      twoaxisrot( 2*(q.x*q.z - q.w*q.y),
                   2*(q.x*q.y + q.w*q.z),
                   q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x - q.y*q.y - q.z*q.z,
                   2*(q.x*q.z + q.w*q.y),
                  -2*(q.x*q.y - q.w*q.z),
      std::cout << "Unknown rotation sequence" << std::endl;