Is there a WinForm control inspector application?

WinForms Spy is a good one. The codeproject version doesn't have a draggable cross hairs but there is a version out there that added it.

I believe you're looking for Hawkeye. You may also look at GitHub for a more recent version.

Try the nuget package: WinForm.Inspector.Tool

Setup documentation

  • Instantiate the Inspector in your project.

    Inspector inspector = new Inspector();

  • Ignore specific controls ex. buttons.

    inspector.IgnoreTypes = new Type[] { typeof(Button) };

  • Skip controls ex. invisible and disabled.

    inspector.SkipChilds = GetChildAtPointSkip.Invisible | GetChildAtPointSkip.Disabled;

Run your project and press Ctrl + F8 to open the ControlViewer.

Hold down "Alt" and move your mouse over the controllers to select them.

enter image description here