Is there a way to use max-width and height for a background image?

It looks like you're trying to scale the background image? There's a great article in the reference bellow where you can use css3 to achieve this.

And if I miss-read the question then I humbly accept the votes down. (Still good to know though)

Please consider the following code:

#some_div_or_body { 
   background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; 
   -webkit-background-size: cover;
   -moz-background-size: cover;
   -o-background-size: cover;
   background-size: cover;

This will work on all major browsers, of course it doesn't come easy on IE. There are some workarounds however such as using Microsoft's filters:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='.myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale');
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale')";

There are some alternatives that can be used with a little bit peace of mind by using jQuery:


<img src="images/bg.jpg" id="bg" alt="">


#bg { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; }
.bgwidth { width: 100%; }
.bgheight { height: 100%; }


 $(window).load(function() {    

var theWindow        = $(window),
    $bg              = $("#bg"),
    aspectRatio      = $bg.width() / $bg.height();

function resizeBg() {

    if ( (theWindow.width() / theWindow.height()) < aspectRatio ) {
    } else {




I hope this helps!

Src: Perfect Full Page Background Image

You can do this with background-size:

html {
    background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; 
    background-size: cover;

There are a lot of values other than cover that you can set background-size to, see which one works for you:


It works in all modern browsers:

As thirtydot said, you can use the CSS3 background-size syntax:

For example:

-o-background-size:35% auto;
-webkit-background-size:35% auto;
-moz-background-size:35% auto;
background-size:35% auto;

However, as also stated by thirtydot, this does not work in IE6, 7 and 8.

See the following links for more information about background-size:

Unfortunately there's no min (or max)-background-size in CSS you can only use background-size. However if you are seeking a responsive background image you can use Vmin and Vmaxunits for the background-size property to achieve something similar.


#one {
    background:url('../img/blahblah.jpg') no-repeat;
    background-size:10vmin 100%;

that will set the height to 10% of the whichever smaller viewport you have whether vertical or horizontal, and will set the width to 100%.

Read more about css units here:



