Is there a way to tell if ReactElement renders "null"?

No, there's no way to determine what a child will render using React. The standard way to do this is to expose some utility function that says whether A will render.

Something like:

if (AUtils.isStoryValid(story)) {
  return <A story={story} />;
} else {
  return <B story={story} />;

You can use the following higher order component (HOC) to intercept the render method of ElementA and accomplish what you want:

function withNullCheck(WrappedComponent) {
  return class NullChecker extends WrappedComponent {
    render() {
      const result = super.render();
          { this.props.alwaysPrefix }
          { result && this.props.ifNotNullPrefix }
          { result ? result : this.props.ifNull }
          { result && this.props.ifNotNullAppend }
          { this.props.alwaysAppend }

You would use it like this:

const NullCheckedElementA = withNullCheck(ElementA);


function render() {

    return ( 
