Is there a way to import a 3D model into Android?

That's where I got to:

  • I've used Google's APIDemos as a starting point - there are rotating cubes in there, each specified by two arrays: vertices and indices.
  • I've build my model using Blender and exported it as OFF file - it's a text file that lists all the vertices and then faces in terms of these vertices (indexed geometry)
  • Then I've created a simple C++ app that takes that OFF and writes it as two XMLs containing arrays (one for vertices and one for indices)
  • These XML files are then copied to res/values and this way I can assign the data they contain to arrays like this:
    int vertices[] = context.getResources().getIntArray(R.array.vertices);
  • I also need to manually change the number of faces to be drawn in here: gl.glDrawElements(GL10.GL_TRIANGLES, 212*6, GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, mIndexBuffer); - you can find that number (212 in this case) on top of the OFF file

Here you can find my project page, which uses this solution: Github project > vsiogap3d

you may export it to ASE format. from ASE, you can convert it to your code manually or programatically. You will need vertex for vertices array and faces for indices in Android. don't forget you have to set


because 3ds max default is counter clockwise.