Is there a way to have index.html functionality with content hosted on S3?

Amazon S3 now supports Index Documents

The index document for a bucket can be set to something like index.html. When accessing the root of the site or a sub-directory containing a document of that name that document is returned.

It is extremely easy to do using the aws cli:

aws s3 website $MY_BUCKET_NAME --index-document index.html

You can set the index document from the AWS Management Console:

enter image description here

For people still struggling against this after 3 years, let me add some important information:

The URL for your website (and to which you have to point your DNS) is not

<bucket_name>, but


If you use the first, it will not work as intended, no matter how much you config the Index document.

For a specific example, consider:

  • works.
  • fails with AccessDenied.
  • works!

To get your true website address, go to your S3 Management Console, select the target bucket, then Properties, then Static Website Hosting. It will show the website URL that will work.